Duh, Bitch! You're Powerful
It's time to stop dimming your light and start setting the world on fire. Join sacred disruptor & love coach Shilpa Cacho on a wild ride to self-love, epic relationships, and magnetic AF energy. We're talking raw truths, cosmic insights, and the occasional loving b*tch slap from the universe.
This podcast is your permission slip to be unapologetically YOU.
Get ready to laugh, cry, and maybe pee a little as we unlock your inner goddess and unleash her femme magnetism! Remember, you're the mfing prize, so start acting like it!
Connect with Shilpa:
Instagram: @ShilpaCacho
Duh, Bitch! You're Powerful
Human Design: Discovering What Makes YOU Different From Everyone Else
Libby Christenson, my life coach, is with us today!
I literally started this podcast because of my work with her. Libby introduced me to the world of human design and how it plays a role in who we are. My initial session with her has drastically changed how I view myself, how I communicate my needs in my relationships, and how I tap into my intuition, and manifest my dreams into reality. We wanted to share the magical world of human design with you all in hopes that it can help someone else have a deeper understanding of oneself as well.
Libby's work awakens and anchors the intentions of her clients by directing them back to their own Primal Navigation System. Each one of us has an internal compass that is constantly providing wisdom, direction and clarity. However, many of us have forgotten or silenced that voice through years of conditioning and self doubt. She guides people back to their Primal Nav through co-active coaching and the framework of Human Design.
Website: https://www.libbychristenson.com/
Instagram: @libby.Christenson
Email: libby.christenson@gmail.com
Contact me: @ShilpaCacho
Follow me on IG: @Shilpacacho
Get my free course: Stop chasing men who string you along with Situationship Detox