Duh, Bitch! You're Powerful

Sexual Violence in the Military

Shilpa Season 1 Episode 14

This week's episode was inspired by the horrific murder of Fort Hood soldier, Vanessa Guillen and all of the brave military members who have shared their stories of sexual assault and mistreatment by the military, after being outraged by Vanessa's death. One of the ways to eliminate this crime is by speaking about it openly. Let it no longer be taboo. Let us learn how to speak up. Let us learn how to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Let us work together to protect each other. 
For  part 1, I interviewed Anna Sanchez, a psych nurse practitioner and Sexual assault response coordinator in the Air Force, who sheds light on the neurobiology of sexual trauma, the continuum of harm, and what we can do to stop sexual assault in the military and in our communities. 
Instagram: @Annasanchez_psych_np
Part 2, is with Hannah, who served our country during her time in the Navy, which she recalls as bittersweet because of her poor treatment and the military's failure to protect her. She was assaulted twice within her time in the Navy. 
Instagram: @Hannnahgeee

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